Sunday, January 24, 2010

Beach fun!

Hey there powerfans!!!
First of all I must thank all the brave ones that decided to buy my clip. I honestly hope that they got what they were expecting for.
The funds raised in this clip sell will be used to hire some voice acting (If you're interested in playing a part, drop me a mail) for future releases.
Before releasing Unstoppable Part 2 I'll release another clip that I have nearly ready:
Power Drinks Part 1
In this clip we'll watch a sexy dressed redhead turn into a powergoddess and check herself out in a mirror. Here are some screen caps:

Ok! Here are the bonus pics. Enjoy!!!

Alice Caerwyn, a very special security officer of the city of Crystal Peaks is taking a break on her favorite spot at the beach. Suddenly her supersenses detect an unscheduled ship visit.
When she looks closer she finds out that they are smugglers, trying to deliver a shipment of Teradium (Strongest metal alloy in existance) to an undercover weapons manufacturer!

Without loosing a second she jumps into the water, grabs the ship's anchor and pulls it to the shore. In mere seconds she has traveled the several miles and forced the huge ship into the ground. She wrapped the anchor's chain around her arm for better griping but her growing bicep forces it to explode in pieces.

Right before taking all the criminals to justice she makes sure all of them know who's protecting her city. She grabs the biggest girder of Teradium in the ship and breaks it in two barehandedly. The metal gets superhot in the breaking point due to the obscene ammount of energy her muscles apply to it. By the same reason, as the air around her muscles gets ionized into plasma, huge sparks break loose.

I include the clip again for ovbious reasons:

Price: U$S 4.00

30Mb Flash Video (FLV)

Aproximate duration:
2m 20s (45s of them are credits)
Please allow 24hrs for order procesing.


  1. Incredible work. The sound effects really give it so much more depth. I love it when she starts walking.

    You sure like to leave us hanging though!

    I'd pay twice the price for more content like this!

  2. Muahaha!
    LOL Seriously now... :P
    I've decided to make multiparts clips to allow you guys to get updates more often. Animation takes a lot of time and If I only released full episodes I'd be releasing an episode a year. So, instead of that I'll develop 3 diferent stories in paralel that will be advanced in turns. That should guarantee variety and closer updates. Im a couple of scenes away from releasing Power Drinks Part 1 and Im already developing the third series. The third series will be a sword and sorcery adventure and will include custom voice acting!
    Thanks for the comments!
    I allways enjoy the feedback.


  3. Sword and sorcery as in swords breaking against sorceress' muscles? ;)

  4. Yes, but we'll also give a supersword to the main heroine.
    A sword that, when yielded by her, will make the jedi's light sabers look like cheap flashlights by comparison.

  5. Hello, I am Italian! Ggogle Using language to write! As fa'ad have the video "Unstoppable Part 1"?? Other videos with screaming with the effort and biceps muscle ultragonfi please!! You \ You are legendary! ! I paid Paypal com!! What should I do?? Thanks for everything!!
