Saturday, November 17, 2012

Breeze and Tika, heart of power... Ready!

Hello there everybody!
Im pleased to announce a new release...
This time it's a 15 pages comic book, skilfully drawn by Redsilver, featuring Breeze (a fairy) and Tika (a bunny) that go uberpowerful to battle Davora, a dark she-dragon sorceress, bent on the destruction of their homeworld.
Oh. It's priced 5 dollars.  ;)

As usual, at my webstore:

I hope everyone likes it and Im looking forward to your feedback on it.

Although my current work schedule doesnt gives me much space, I havent discontinued my 3d content production and let me assure you that we will keep bringing you more of our usual image packs and animations.
We're still working on Swimsuit edition part 2 and we have plans for releasing it in the upcoming months.
Thanks for your patience and enjoy!!!